
Anti-Hustle: Space To Create

Anti-Hustle: Space To Create

Do you ever feel like you get your best ideas at the most random or inconvenient times? Maybe in the shower, or stuck in traffic. Often I spend all day trying to come with an idea for a song, and suddenly at midnight when I’m trying to get to sleep, I hear this brilliant melody idea and I’m faced with a choice: do I get out of bed and start tracking the idea in my little bedroom studio, go to sleep and hope I still remember it or go for somewhere in-between and just sing it into my phone with a weird half-asleep voice…

Rebranding Rivers & Robots

Rebranding Rivers & Robots

This Friday we launched the new logo / branding for Rivers & Robots. Over the past 6 months we've been working on a redesign including new typography, colour schemes, logo marks etc. We rolled out the updated 'R&R Ring' across our social media platforms and website on Friday and also released a new video talking a bit about the rebrand (as well as an update on our Gather event)…