A Beautiful Hand-Lettered Bible

Talented designer and illustrator, Dana Tanamachi, teamed up with Crossway to release this beautiful hand-lettered, illustrated Bible. It seems a real labour of love.


This Bible features 500 elegantly designed illustrations, printed in gold ink. And the whole thing looks really beautiful! It definitely seems like the kind of thing you'd want to keep at home and perhaps pass down to future generations, rather than carrying around in your bag!

We love seeing art and faith come together and this is a brilliant example of somebody putting real time and effort into creating something beautiful that brings glory to God. Have a look at the inspiring making-of video for a look at the process, and to hear Dana share more about it!

Make sure to check out Dana's work on her website, and you can find out more about this project by visiting www.illuminatedbible.org.


Did you know?

We just launched our Instagram account today, (about time, right!). And we plan on using it to share inspiring artwork, music and videos we find from christian creatives around the world. If you're an artist, we think it'll be a really great source of inspiration for you, as well as potentially a platform for your own work! Feel free to get in touch if you have anything you'd like us to feature. And you can follow the account here